Privacy Policy

At KMA Specials Shoes Ltd, safeguarding the privacy of our users is of utmost importance to us. We are committed to upholding fairness and transparency in the collection and utilization of data while adhering to our data protection responsibilities. This Privacy Notice is intended to provide comprehensive details on how we gather, process, and store your data, as well as to outline your rights to your personal information.
If you have any inquiries or require additional information about this Privacy Notice or wish to exercise your rights, please do not hesitate to contact us via email at
What Information Do We Collect?
We may collect personal information from you, including your name, contact details (address, phone number, and email), and workplace details. This information is gathered through various activities, such as:
Contact us via phone, email, or in writing.
Requesting information about our products and/or services through email, telephone, or website form submissions.
Entering into a contract to receive our products and/or services.
Creating an account with us.
Sign up on our website to download information from our Resources area.
Signing up to receive communications from us.
Completing a customer satisfaction survey.
Additionally, when you visit our website, we may automatically collect information such as traffic data, location data, weblogs, and other communication data. Technical details about your computer, including your IP address, operating system, and browser type, may also be collected.
How Do We Use Your Data?
We process personal information for specific legitimate business purposes, which may include:
Providing products and/or services to you.
Fulfilling contractual agreements with you.
Communicating with you regarding potential products and/or services.
Creating accounts and invoicing for products and/or services.
Providing industry information, surveys, newsletters, offers, promotions, related products, and/or services.
Addressing complaints, issues, or disputes.
Analyzing marketing data, promotional campaigns, and website visits for product and service improvements.
Requesting customer feedback related to the provision of products and/or services.
You have the right to object to the processing of your data based on Legitimate Interest, as explained in the 'Your Rights' section of this document. Additionally, you can update your preferences or unsubscribe from marketing communications at any time through the provided links in our messages.
Who Do We Share Your Data With?
Your data will only be accessed by individuals with a genuine business need to know. Trusted third parties may be involved in fulfilling our contractual obligations, such as associate consultants, trainers, trading partners, and IT/CRM support service providers.
Where Do We Store Your Data?
We prioritize data security and have implemented internal policies and controls to safeguard against loss, destruction, misuse, or disclosure. Information is securely stored on our servers with restricted access. While we take precautions, transmitting data over the Internet carries inherent risks, and we cannot guarantee complete security. We employ rigorous procedures and security measures to prevent unauthorized access.
How Long Will We Keep Your Data?
For legitimate business purposes, we will securely hold your data indefinitely to keep you informed about our products and services. You can update your preferences or unsubscribe at any time through the provided links or by contacting us directly.
Your Rights
You have various rights concerning your data, including the right to access, obtain a copy, correct, delete, or object to its processing. To exercise these rights, please reach out via email to If you believe your data protection rights have not been addressed appropriately, you can file a complaint with the Information Commissioner.